Tuesday, December 29, 2009


pujukan...is something im not good at...and im scared...really scared me....when time like this come again...im really bad at this thing...pujuk,advise and sort of...i dunno how now...

i'd lost someone because of it...and im afraid it would happen again this time..................

give me strength.......

Thursday, December 17, 2009

.... II

still no title,i just keen to keep on writing,because of my unstable emotion tonight keep my bed far away from my sight,i just couldnt sleep...

bear in mind,what happened now must be related to what had happened yesterday..what had happened yesterday must be connected to what occured on the day before..and the list goes so on...and im disgusted,feeling the hatred towards those who forgot the past...

but me myself has been i a lot of mess,and made me thinking why we keep pointing to other people..why not revise and learn the truth about our mistake..why not blaming ourselves,why can't we build a positive thinking towards other people...yet,the thinking is still playing with my mind,imagining that im at the other side,and wondering why "i" blaming "me"...arrogance of human being..

and why something exhilirating at the beginning could turn out to be a terrible moment,why...i just coldnt understand,why must a smile ended up with a cry......

anyway instead of biochem i've done dan brown....hu

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


no title.....i just eager to write back as i had left this bloggy thing for such a longgg longg period..not that i dont want to update,but malas plus no connection for almost a year plus other things makes my blog deserted hahaha...

my moscow life has been changing,as time goes by,and now winter come again...i've read somewhere,i think lonely planet,said moscow at this time is a winter wonderland!its truly amazing,and interesting as i couldn't find what thing is cool and wonder in this -20 to -30 degrees,it's frozen like hell..haha...but at least its sunny,so it looks beautiful...typical cold moscow...haih~~

my life,such a fluctuation..up and down,happy but terribly jaded,sad but not at it's worst,everything just keep coming and testing,sometimes tiring,sometimes happily managed even exhausted,sometimes ended in deeply wounded,but luckily till then still a light at the end of the tunnel...

missing old friends as usual,but The Almighty knows what is better for us,might time and space between us keeping us in a full appreciation towards each other..aite mates..

with ehua,everything not so smooth..some parts really made me happy,giving me strength,but others..maybe my fault,and my fault and my fault,hope my strength will remain there for her~~

beauty in the beast theatre....

circus,theatre,dolphin,football matches, cheered things up a bit in a hard time..really enjoying every bits of it..haha..

simple and brief,what i have left out...~~